心理出版社創立於 1979年4月4日,由一群具有共同教育理念的學者籌組而成。
在「重質不重量」的政策考量下,本公司之出版品每年均維持一定水準的出書量。 1995年以國家講座主持人,台灣大學黃光國教授「知識與行動 」一書榮獲金鼎獎「推薦優良圖書」之殊榮; 1997 年「諮商實務」有聲圖書榮獲「國立教育資料館優良教學錄影帶優等獎」; 2003 年國家講座台灣師大楊深坑教授「科學理論與教育學發展 」一書,勇奪金鼎獎;隔年, 2004 年再以國立政治大學教育學系周祝瑛教授「誰捉弄了台灣教改?」一書入圍金鼎獎。
The Profile of Psychological Publishing Co., Ltd.
Psychological Publishing Co., Ltd. was established on April 4, 1979 by a group of distinguished scholars in education and psychology based on the common educational and cultural ideals. We are known as a reliable and professional publisher with good reputation among scholastic fields.
Our publications are mainly textbooks in the fields of education, psychology, and social science as well as educational and psychological tests and the relevant VCD, mostly written by brilliant scholars in Taiwan or overseas. Due to emphasis on quality rather than on quantity, our titles are best selected and reviewed by scholars and professionals before they are accepted.
We ever won the Annual Golden Tripod Award given by Taiwan government to encourage excellent publications through very harsh competition in 1995 and 2003.